dear one,

you are held.

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” - Hafiz

dear one,

you can heal. i know you might feel lost, lips trembling, ground shaking, heart breaking.

dear one,

you can heal. i know you might feel like the fog is too dense, life too fast, and joy elusive.

dear one,

you can heal. i know you might feel like meaning and connection are hard to come by.

i know. i do too sometimes, but i have also experienced a way out (in), and i’m here to hold your hand as you do too.


sacred monthly women’s circle

i’m holding space for a small group of women gathering monthly on zoom in a safe sisterhood circle. if you’re interested in joining, send me a message by clicking the button below!

“tune in".

a one week heart-led journey for women, held 3x per year

stay tuned for upcoming dates

here’s what others have said…


“Joyous, profound, healing. A beautiful journey shared with wonderful women and skilfully held by Ilma. I’m so grateful for this experience, I explored new ways of expressing myself and connected to myself in ways I hadn’t before.”


“It was like Alice's Rabbit Hole. Deep and full of meaning, full of the discovery of self in a safe sisterhood circle. It was amazing...”

“Much needed. Healing. A space that I felt like I belonged to. Intentional deep moments with myself and others. I felt heard. This circle of kind, loving, open hearted women was charging for my soul. I felt empowered, strong, connected, supported and heard.”


“The "Tune In" experience was wonderful. I felt connected, supported and heard. I'd describe it as a fertile soil for healing, although the fruit is still not ripe. It takes time, and that's okay. I am grateful for this space, community, and the experience as a whole.”


Soulshaking, with a revolutionary feeling of being raw and sensitive also means being beautiful.